Classification of Electrical Problems Detected by Infrared Thermography Using a Risk Assessment Process

This paper will present a risk assessment process and matrix which classifies electrical problems based upon a variety of factors affecting both probability and consequence of electrical component failure. Inherent in this process will be a discussion of understanding and analysing electrical connection failure modes and failure stressors, as well as consideration of both heat energy flow and stored energy rather than only considering surface temperature as a single point predictor of catastrophic failure.


Course Details

Public Course
Electric Motor Testing (EMT)

Prerequisite: Level 1 - Thermographic Applications or Infrared for Weatherization and Energy Audits

This course focuses on the application of infrared thermography for advanced building diagnostics. Participants will learn how infrared is used to analyze energy, moisture, and mechanical related problems in all types of structures, residential and commercial. Advanced troubleshooting techniques will be covered including ways in which one can better utilize their thermal imaging system to perform qualitative surveys of buildings.

A section dedicated to examining infrared related standards and building inspection methodologies is included. Attendees will learn both where infrared is applied successfully and also special circumstances where the technology may encounter limitations or possibly mislead the thermographer in their analysis.

The following topics will be covered:

  • Identifying insulation deficiencies in building enclosures
  • Locating air infiltration and exfiltration related issues
  • Utilizing a blower door to identify air leakage problems
  • Evaluating wall systems including curtain wall, rainscreen and masonry
  • Detecting moisture related thermal patterns in building envelopes and low-slope roof systems
  • Examining infrared related standards for both building diagnostics and moisture issues
  • Identifying structural defects in masonry and concrete block structures
  • Reviewing inspection methodologies and safety considerations
  • Learning reporting procedures
  • Discovering special circumstances and technological limitations of thermal imaging
  • Evaluating electrical/mechanical components that affect building performance including HVAC systems


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