Evaluación de la Condición de conexiones eléctricas utilizando Termografía Infrarroja

En este documento exploraremos múltiples consideraciones para evaluar la condición de una conexión eléctrica que presenta anomalías térmicas. Se debe indicar que en este documento nos limitaremos a conexiones eléctricas y no a dispositivos como: breakers, fusibles, capacitores, transformadores, etc. Pero podría aplicarse a las conexiones de estos dispositivos, aunque con algunas salvedades que se indicaran más adelante en el documento.

Diez Razones de porque la temperatura o el aumento de temperatura de un componente eléctrico anormalmente caliente, debe ser reportado como “por lo menos a la temperatura medida.”

Aprenda porque la temperatura o el aumento de temperatura de una conexión eléctricaanormalmente caliente se debe reportar “por lo menos…”. Entre las razones mencionadas: la emisividad puede ser menor a la considerada, la temperatura en el lugar de la falla será más caliente que la presente en su superficie, pues puede existir viento, convección forzada o la carga puede aumentar.

Managing Motors and Reliability

Read about the basic key elements for a motor management system and discover an understanding of why a motor management system is much more than just a reliability and testing program. In fact, motor reliability and testing are two key components that make a significant contribution to a motor management system.

Confirmation and Correlation: EMT and Vibe for Healthy Motors

Electric motor maintenance has come a long way in the last 25 years. A quarter of a century ago one of the primary methods for testing motors was “megger” testing. Today, there are more choices and assessment of motors and associated rotating assets can be done quickly and efficiently, if the right technologies are implemented. This white paper will take a look at how we arrived at this point in the motor testing timeline by discussing what methods are available, how they work, and how they can be combined for superior results.

Infrared Thermography: A Versatile Nondestructive Testing Technique

Thermal imaging has long been used for discovering, understanding, and interpreting the temperature of objects within our environment. From the advent of thermal imagers in the 1950s to present day – we’ve continued to evolve and discover new applications. Infrared thermography provides a variety of different testing techniques for a wide range of components, machines, and structural materials, allowing trained thermographers to find subsurface anomalies. In this white paper from The Snell Group, learn about the use of thermal imaging for nondesctructive testing (NDT) technologies.

Surface Temperature Considerations

Engineers are usually taught the basic forms of heat transfer, often with the assumption that surface temperature is an independent variable driving the heat transfer. The reality is, however, that surface temperature is an interface between different forms of heat transfer and responds as a dependent variable. This paper will provide an overview of surface temperature as a response to different forms of both internal energy generation and external environment.