Case Study: IR Expertise Keeps Customers Current on Industry Best Practices

The Need:

Craig Casler, an independent infrared service provider, had already received his Level 1 IR training when he found The Snell Group by searching the web for good resources on infrared thermography. Craig was looking for as much IR expertise as he could find. “As an independent service provider, it is imperative for me to have a reliable source of continuing education,” said Craig. “In order to provide value to my customers, I need to keep up with developments in theory, practice, and equipment, and with what’s going on in the industry.”

The Solution:

Since that time, Craig has obtained his Level 2 and Level 3 training from The Snell Group. Additionally, he has taken advantage of almost every knowledge service that The Snell Group offers. He is a subscriber and avid reader of the newsletter, “Think Thermally®”; always makes time for the e-Newsletters, despite his busy schedule; he has participated on the online forum,; and he has attended several Thermal Solutions conferences. 

“The Snell Group is always there to meets my needs. The training and information is expert, up to date, and objective. The conference is always educational and enjoyable. I am pleased to be able to present what I’ve learned, and it’s great to learn from other industry leaders.”

The Results:

According to Craig, “The Snell Group has helped me grow my business effectively and professionally, and in areas that I never imagined possible. I now provide a wide range of services to various industries including schools and hospitals The Snell Group has been like a partner, and I thoroughly appreciate their enthusiasm and willingness to help me be successful."