Jeremy's Journey -- Electric Motor Testing Certification

IR Talk

The industry has been asking and wanting a certification program for Electrical Motor Testing (EMT) for years. Well it's here, The Snell Group is proudly announcing EMT certification for the USA. As an independent and vendor neutral company we feel we are the right venue for this task. The Snell Group is rolling out 5 different certifications because it's not as simple as Level 1, 2, or 3. Electric Motor Testing encompasses multiple technologies with various instruments of differing testing methods and capabilities, a one-size fits all Certification path will not work effectively.

There are five diverse certifications.

  1. Electric Motor Testing Technician (EMTT)
  2. Electrical Motor Testing Analyst (EMTA)
  3. Electric Motor Testing Advanced Analyst (EMTAA)
  4. Motor Power Quality Analyst (MPQA)
  5. Electric Motor Reliability Manager (EMRM)

I was at EASA this last week and spoke with many prominent leaders in the industry about the roll out of the certification program. The response was overwhelming positive! Three out of the four top Electric Motor Tester manufacturers have given their support for the new certifications, PDMA, Schleich & Electrom. With the support of these tester equipment manufacturers this will help bring the importance of Certification here in the United States.

Comprising both energized and de-energized testing, there are multiple instruments and methods with varying capabilities for assessing motors, motor circuits, and equipment. As with most reliability maintenance technologies, Certification is deemed a necessity for Electric Motor Testing.

To read more please visit our or give us a call to discuss your certification needs, we are here to help "Our Knowledge. Your Advantage.®"

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