Customer Testimonials

Taught By:
"I learned a good deal that I can apply to my work."
Blair Turnbull - Surveying and Mapping, LLC. (SAM) , Austin, TX, United States
Taught By:
"Elmer is a great instructor. His experience helped us understand the course in real on-the-job ways, not just lectures. Excellent course. "
Nicholas Cytrych - UPM Raflatac , Polo, IL, United States
Taught By:
"The Snell Group provides training that is widely relevant and immediately useful to my role. I look forward to demonstrating the value of thermography to our maintenance program."
Megan Crum , Research Triangle Park, NC, United States
Taught By:
"This is one of the best courses I've ever attended! It makes me want to change careers!"
Joseph Hill , Greensboro, NC, United States
Taught By:
"A thoughtfully designed course that met my needs for building inspections and far surpassed my expectations. "
Ken Vance - CVACL , Lynchburg, VA, United States
Taught By:
"Well worth the investment - top notch!"
Gerald Dix - York River Electric , Yorktown, PA, United States
Taught By:
"The instructors (John and Elmer) were very concerned about our success. Learning the different aspects and functions of the IR camera were great. "
Lud Burkle - Southern Nuclear Operating Co. , Columbia, AL, United States
Taught By:
"This course is a must for anyone interested in the proper use of IR thermography!"
Andrew Grant , Barrow, AK, United States
Taught By:
"Learning the abilities and limitations of our equipment was the most useful part of the class. Elmer is one of the best instructors I've had regardless of subject!"
Chris Blackmon - Luminant Power , Fort Worth, TX, United States
"Elmer is professional and knowledgeable!"
Steve Lake - Shaw Industries, Inc. , Dalton, GA, United States
Taught By:
"Elmer and Wyatt were very knowledgeable about the material. The hands-on with camera techniques was very helpful. After this course you will have the rudimentary knowledge and skills to us an infrared camera as a qualified thermographer. "
Josh Engel - Cooper Electric , Cincinnati, OH, United States
Taught By:
"I learned more about how to properly use my equipment and this will help me to improve my abilities to analyze thermograms. Learning the manual adjustments and how to interpret images was great. The instructors were very helpful and knowledgeable about IR."
Rick Lee - Arrow Electric Inc. , Greenville, PA, United States
Taught By:
"The course was very interesting. A lot of science, physics, and applications. It put my brain to work. Elmer related the material well to our job requirements and future growth. "
Curt Campbell - City of Columbus Division of Water , Columbus, OH, United States
Taught By:
"This is a very useful course, whether one is actually doing the infrared inspections or interpreting the data from reports. "
Tiffany Sterling , Orange, TX, United States
Taught By:
"You get a lot with this class! The hands-on portion was very helpful. Elmer was very knowledgeable and informative. He showed great patience in explaining areas where we struggled as a class."
Tom Brumbaugh - Axis Construction Consulting , Hayward, CA, United States
Taught By:
"This course is a must have for anyone who buys an infrared camera. The hands-on training was very useful to me."
Ryan Reber - Axis Restoration , Santa Clara, CA, United States
Taught By:
"Great job on this course! In this course, the more you learn about infrared the more you realize how little you know."
Curt Wiebelhaus - TBC Operations , Pittsburg, CA, United States
Taught By:
"I’d highly recommend this course! The practicals and experiments were the most useful parts of the course."
Kirk Reynolds - ConocoPhillips Inc. , Dubach, LA, United States
Taught By:
"This is an excellent course that all thermographers need to attend."
Todd Johnson - Chevron USA , Evanston, WY, United States
Taught By:
"This course greatly exceeded my initial technical expectations with regard to the course content. Elmer was great; polite and knowledgeable."
Michael Blunt - TBC Operations , Pittsburg, CA, United States
Taught By:
"This course helped me realize that infrared values are not exact numbers – and also that infrared cameras have limitations. Van and Elmer did a good job of relating the course material to the actual field."
John Michael - Exelon Corporation , Pottstwon, PA, United States
Taught By:
"Van’s personality was an A plus. After taking this course it appears that I’d been using the technology all wrong – with this new knowledge I can now justify my answers."
Mario Morales - DuPont , Houston, TX, United States
Taught By:
"The most useful part of this course was learning the ‘real deal’ on camera usage. Van knew what he was doing; he had ample know-how and performed in a great way."
James Bushman - Intrepid Potash, New Mexico , Carlsbad, NM, United States
"The Level I course was much more in-depth than I thought it would be. Lots of camera use training."
William Patton - American Electric Power , Hallsville, TX, United States
Taught By:
"This course was fun, enlightening and hands on. Elmer was very knowledgeable and had some great experiments, stories, and life experiences to share with the class."
Kelly Vining - Hill Air Force Base , Hill Air Force Base, UT, United States