Customer Testimonials

Taught By:
"This was an excellent course—met and exceeded my expectations. The instructor (Don) was highly knowledgeable and provided top-quality training."
Matt Neeser - J.R. Simplot Company , Pocatello, ID, United States
Taught By:
"I've been studying and watching webinars. I've got to hand it to you I have learned more from your white papers and webinars than I have anyone else with online motor testing. Maybe 1 day I can gain half as much knowledge as you have. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge and you are definitely the man I would come to 1st when I need help figuring out an issue with an online test."
Chris Senter - MCA Analyst for Allied Reliability , Tupelo, MS, United States
Taught By:
"This is a well-presented course that provides information that will make me more successful in my career."
Gena Hurst - Stober Drives Inc. , Maysville, KY, United States
Taught By:
"Great class if you need motor knowledge from the ground up."
Devin Hamilton - Flint Hills Resources , Corpus Christi, TX, United States
Taught By:
"From this course, I now understand how to use the camera."
Tiffany Broussard - Triad Electric & Controls , Lake Arthur, LA, United States
Taught By:
"The knowledge is being taught by industry experts."
Jordan Gast - STOBER Drives , Maysville, KY, United States
Taught By:
"Excellent course - I would recommend it to others. Don and Jim were very enthusiastic, understandable and related well with all students. "
Kenn Parris , Seneca, SC, United States
Taught By:
"All aspects of this course were useful - from the theory to the hands-on work. Don was very knowledgeable and was able to answer all questions. "
Michael Duncan - Tesoro Corporation , Carson, CA, United States
Taught By:
"I highly recommend this course! It is very helpful in learning a technology that I will be using to perform motor testing. The most useful parts of the course were to understand the theories to administer successful testing."
Devin Winiecke - Tesoro Corporation , Carson, CA, United States
Taught By:
"This course is a "must take" for all thermographers. The demonstrations were very useful. Don took the time with each student when he needed and he had great explanations."
Brett Banks - McCall - Thomas Engineering , Orangeburg, SC, United States
Taught By:
"The best training course I've ever taken!"
Brian Sterling - HAECO , Greensboro, NC, United States
Taught By:
"Excellent course - I would recommend it to others. Don and Jim were very enthusiastic, understandable, and related well with all students. "
Kenn Parris , Seneca, SC, United States
Taught By:
"The Snell Group course opened my eyes to the world of thermography and the usefulness of this tool. I had wonderful instructors (Don and Jim) - they were very helpful, especially with my unique background."
Kalen McNabb - Meadors Conservation , Charleston, SC, United States
"Elmer is professional and knowledgeable!"
Steve Lake - Shaw Industries, Inc. , Dalton, GA, United States
Taught By:
"The course was well laid out and gave me everything I need for my job. "
Chris Jolly - Vallourec Star , Youngstown, OH, United States
Taught By:
"Don takes time for every person in class - it was great!"
Ben Broyles - Buzzi Unicem USA , Maryneal, TX, United States
Taught By:
"The breadth of the material covered was good. There was a great balance of theory, hands-on, and real-world applications. "
Bryan Dyer - Fluke , Tampa, FL, United States
Taught By:
"This is an important course to take and it’s needed anytime motor testing is involved."
Samuel Lynch - DCWASA, District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority , Washington, DC, United States
Taught By:
"The course was very informative and the instructors Don and Jim were knowledgeable – they really broke down how to use the camera."
Brandon Tenorio , San Antonio, TX, United States
"This is one of the best courses I have ever attended. Very useful hands-on training."
Joshua Harris - Amerisource Bergen Drug Company , Kansas City, MO, United States
Taught By:
"I was fortunate enough to get to attend a De-Energized Motor & Motor Circuit Analysis class with Don Donofrio ... I just can't say enough about the training we received. Don was an amazing teacher, and I am truly thankful for his patience, and his ability to teach the way he did. Not to mention we had an absolute blast the entire time ! This is the level of training I have come to expect from The Snell Group. Earlier this year I attended a Level I – Thermographic Applications class, with the same outstanding results. Great job Snell Group! I’m looking forward to the next class!"
Kenny Kidd , Sapulpa, OK, United States
Taught By:
"This class has broadened my understanding of infrared thermography and opened my eyes to “Think Thermally” in the world. I found that the understanding of heat transfer and the application possibilities of infrared were the most useful parts of the course. Don Donofrio is an extremely effective instructor, making it an enjoyable learning experience."
Audie Martin , Greenfield Center, NY, United States
Taught By:
"This course was well-presented and had great content. After the course I had a better understanding of my camera and a better ability to interpret the image to recognize a problem. Don Donofrio was knowledgeable and presented the information clearly."
Joshua Keegan , Saratoga Springs, NY, United States
Taught By:
"This is a great course that takes the mystery right out of infrared investigations."
Paul Phillips - Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc. , Houston, TX, United States
Taught By:
"The instructors give good stories on field related experience. The course provided good groundwork on test equipment as well as theory."
Dave Wyngaarden - Alcoa , Newburgh, IN, United States