Customer Testimonials

Taught By:
"This is a “must have” course for anyone pursuing the use of thermography! The technical background information coupled with real-world exercises was the most useful part of the course. Jim and Roy were very knowledgeable, highly professional, and made great use of humor while instructing. It was a well presented course."
Steve Hayworth - Drucker & Falk, LLC , Raleigh, NC, United States
Taught By:
"This course far exceeded my expectations! I walked away with a great understanding of how to utilize span and level."
Marc Emerson - Farmer Electrical Sales, Inc. , Greensboro, NC, United States
Taught By:
"I would highly recommend this course to all of my customers! I left the class with information I didn’t know about thermal imaging. Roy and Jim made learning easy with knowledge and humor."
Don Profant - Farmer Electrical Sales, Inc. , Charlotte, NC, United States
Taught By:
"The whole course was useful for me. The Snell Group has great instructors – could not have had better teachers."
Cory Burns - Graphic Packaging International , Perry, GA, United States
Taught By:
"Excellent course! It takes you from having zero knowledge to well-versed in no time. The whole course was great but the one-on-one hands-on training with my particular camera was very helpful."
Mike Phifer - Giant Cement Company , Harleyville, SC, United States
Taught By:
"This was the most thought-provoking and informative training I have had in years. The practical work and demonstrations really reinforced the course material. Jim and Roy made the course fun; they had great information and created a relaxed learning atmosphere."
Larry Curry - Madison County Schools , Richmond, KY, United States
Taught By:
"This was an excellent course all around and the hands-on training was the most useful. Roy and Jim are the best instructors that I have ever had for any type of training, they were very easy to understand and easy to relate to."
Nate Rushing - Graphic Packaging International , Perry, GA, United States
Taught By:
"This course is a great investment if you take your IR program seriously. Van was a very personable instructor."
Jason Bolte - Allied Reliability, Inc. , West Fargo, ND, United States
Taught By:
"The Snell Group puts on an excellent course, giving you the tools you need to be an effective thermographer in the field. Van did a good job of keeping everyone in the class included even those that were new to infrared thermography."
Vincent Smith - Allied Reliability, Inc. , Freemont, NE, United States
Taught By:
"El curso de entrenamiento fue muy bueno y cumplió con mis expectativas. Para mí fue muy importante y de mucha ayuda el material acerca de cómo priorizar fallas así como el de capacitancia térmica."
Joe Bermudez Cano , Cartagena, Bolivar, Colombia
Taught By:
"Una clase muy dinámica con excelente material. Jacob y Ron son excelentes instructores. Es muy importante para Latinoamérica que The Snell Group ahora cuente con un instructor calificado de habla hispana."
Javier Alberto Rueda Vásquez - Casa Hermes , Bucaramanga, , Colombia
Taught By:
"The instructors give good stories on field related experience. The course provided good groundwork on test equipment as well as theory."
Dave Wyngaarden - Alcoa , Newburgh, IN, United States
Taught By:
"This was an excellent course, the electrical and mechanical information was the most helpful to me. The instructor, Dave, was very knowledgeable."
Brantley Kirby , Carrollton, GA, United States
"The Level I course was much more in-depth than I thought it would be. Lots of camera use training."
William Patton - American Electric Power , Hallsville, TX, United States
Taught By:
"The theory taught in the course was the most useful part. Van has a lot of knowledge and he shares it effectively."
Tyler Keener - DuPont Washington Works , Elizabeth, WV, United States
Taught By:
"This course is very useful! It not only teaches what you can do with an infrared thermography, but what you cannot. The practical application of infrared was the most helpful part of the class."
Joseph Seely - Gulf Power Company , Pensacola, FL, United States
Taught By:
"The presentation and structure of the course was good and the training was better than I expected."
Pete Lawson - DuPont Washington Works , Washington, WV, United States
Taught By:
"This course is a necessity if you’re looking to purchase, or already own, an infrared camera. Ron teaches with an enthusiasm that made this class interesting."
Edward Spause - Maryland Transit Administration , Nottingham, MD, United States
Taught By:
"The course was a good mix of hands-on experience and theory. Van was extremely good at keeping the mood light while conveying the information necessary to teach the course. I felt at ease to ask questions."
Dean Olson , Marquette, MI, United States
Taught By:
"This was a good course that gave me the beginning knowledge and skills needed to perform quality thermography for my company’s program."
Andre Piernot - We Energies , Oak Creek, WI, United States
Taught By:
"I’d recommend this course to anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of thermography. Roy is a very confident instructor who knows the subject material from personal experience."
John Duncombe , Amberley, Queen, Australia
Taught By:
"This course was insightful and well-tailored to our NDT needs."
Lachlan Head , Amberley, , Australia
Taught By:
"This course was fun, enlightening and hands on. Elmer was very knowledgeable and had some great experiments, stories, and life experiences to share with the class."
Kelly Vining - Hill Air Force Base , Hill Air Force Base, UT, United States
Taught By:
"Un curso excelente que me ayudara a prevenir fallas en nuestra planta y nos ayudara también a realizar un mejor mantenimiento predictivo. Lo que más llamo mi atención fue la porción eléctrica, donde aprendí a realizar inspecciones en barras conductoras y mucho mas."
Carlos de Paz - Montana Exploradora , Quetzaltenango, , Guatemala
Taught By:
"Excelente curso, aprendí muchísimo. Descubrí aplicaciones que no sabía que existían."
Victor Manuel Ramirez de Leon - Ingenio Magdalena , Escuintla, , Guatemala