Customer Testimonials

Taught By:
"This course was helpful and very useful to me. Dave was knowledgeable and enjoys teaching. He really stresses this importance of infrared testing without trying to sell anything. The hands-on experiments and involvement in labs was the most useful part if this course."
Edward Smith - Kellogg's Snacks , Charlotte, NC, United States
Taught By:
"This course is a must for a novice OR experienced thermographer! The class was well-organized and a good mix of presentations, quizzes, and hands-on practice. Dave had great, practical, hands-on examples in class."
Sean Dubois , Cornelia, GA, United States
Taught By:
"This course was well-presented and had great content. After the course I had a better understanding of my camera and a better ability to interpret the image to recognize a problem. Don Donofrio was knowledgeable and presented the information clearly."
Joshua Keegan , Saratoga Springs, NY, United States
Taught By:
"This class has broadened my understanding of infrared thermography and opened my eyes to “Think Thermally” in the world. I found that the understanding of heat transfer and the application possibilities of infrared were the most useful parts of the course. Don Donofrio is an extremely effective instructor, making it an enjoyable learning experience."
Audie Martin , Greenfield Center, NY, United States
Taught By:
"This course greatly exceeded my initial technical expectations with regard to the course content. Elmer was great; polite and knowledgeable."
Michael Blunt - TBC Operations , Pittsburg, CA, United States
Taught By:
"Take this course because you don’t know what you don’t know about thermography. I found Dave to be energetic and good at teaching the course – he had a keen knowledge of the material."
Richard Blank , New Hartford, NY, United States
Taught By:
"Excellent course – very helpful! The most useful part of the class for me was the electrical section."
Adam Goglin - Bear Swamp Power Company , Rowe, MA, United States
Taught By:
"Buen contenido del curso y con muy buen enfoque. Para mí fue muy útil conocer el uso y las limitaciones de mi equipo. Jacob y Ron son instructores con mucho conocimiento."
Carlos Marcelino Sanchez - Pluspetrol S.A. , Tartagal, , Argentina
Taught By:
"Un curso excelente que lleno mis expectativas. Las prácticas en clase fueron muy útiles. Jacob y Ron son instructores muy didácticos y capaces de resolver todas las consultas de los estudiantes de forma muy clara y respetuosa."
Numa Rey - Coasin Instrumentos S. A. , Montevideo, , Uruguay
Taught By:
"Fue un curso buenísimo. Jacob y Ron son muy Buenos instructores."
Walter Horacio Vallejos - Ugofe S.A , Burzaco, , Argentina
Taught By:
"Excelente curso. Me pareció muy bueno poder comprobar la teoría por medio de experimentos prácticos en clase."
Gonzalo M. Ruiz - Viditec S.A. , Buenos Aires, , Argentina
Taught By:
"Esperaba el curso desde hace tiempo pues necesitaba los conocimientos para mejorar nuestro programa de Termografía. Pude aprender tanto de los participantes y los instructores. Jacob y Ron son excelentes personas y muy buenos profesionales."
Dario Alejandro Corvalán - YPF S.A. , Luzuriaga, Maipú, , Argentina
Taught By:
"Muy buen curso. Deseo aplicar todo lo aprendido."
Hernan Dario Nuñez - PANAMERICAN ENERGY , Comodoro Rivadavia, , Argentina
Taught By:
"Van’s personality was an A plus. After taking this course it appears that I’d been using the technology all wrong – with this new knowledge I can now justify my answers."
Mario Morales - DuPont , Houston, TX, United States
Taught By:
"The most useful part of this course was learning the ‘real deal’ on camera usage. Van knew what he was doing; he had ample know-how and performed in a great way."
James Bushman - Intrepid Potash, New Mexico , Carlsbad, NM, United States
Taught By:
"This course helped me realize that infrared values are not exact numbers – and also that infrared cameras have limitations. Van and Elmer did a good job of relating the course material to the actual field."
John Michael - Exelon Corporation , Pottstwon, PA, United States
Taught By:
"I should have taken this course 15 years ago."
Allen Davis , Holly Hill, SC, United States
Taught By:
"This is a great course that takes the mystery right out of infrared investigations."
Paul Phillips - Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc. , Houston, TX, United States
Taught By:
"Muy buen curso. Fue muy útil poder debatir acerca de los temas aprendidos."
Ruben Gabriel Antonioli - Aerolineas Argentina , Haedo, , Argentina
Taught By:
"Curso muy interesante. La parte de aplicaciones eléctricas fue muy útil para mí."
German Ariel Rubio , Pico Truncado, , Argentina
Taught By:
"Fue un curso muy interesante y lleno de información. Disfrute el tiempo en que se realizo practicas con las cámaras."
Mauricio Eceiza - Elind , Godoy Cruz, , Argentina
Taught By:
"Jacob y Ron ayudaron a que el curso tuviera un ambiente muy bueno para el aprendizaje y la interacción. Las secciones más útiles para mi fueron la eléctrica y la mecánica."
Cristian Ariel Silveri - Shell Capsa , Dock Sud, Avellaneda, , Argentina
Taught By:
"Excelente curso. Ron y Jacob son muy buenos instructores, llevaron muy bien los tiempos y transmitieron muy bien los conceptos."
Roberto H Carral , Dock Sud, Avellaneda, , Argentina
Taught By:
"Es un curso muy interesante. Las secciones mas útil para mi fueron las aplicaciones eléctricas y mecánicas."
Alberto Luis Braschi - Ugofe S.A , Temperley, , Argentina
Taught By:
"This course was very informative, well taught and put together. The hands-on use of the cameras in class was the most useful part of the course and Van was both approachable and knowledgeable."
Edward E. Bigsby - Allied Reliability, Inc. , FT. Meade, FL, United States